Comprendre le suivi des emails : Un guide complet

Suivi des emails
Tom Benattar
26 février 2024


In the digital era, email remains a powerful tool for communication, especially in the professional and marketing realms. As businesses strive to optimize their email outreach, tracking tools have become indispensable. This guide delves into how email tracking operates, its capabilities, and its limitations, providing valuable insights for users of our Gmail tracking tool.

What Exactly is Email Tracking?

Have you ever wondered how businesses know when you've opened their emails? The secret lies in email tracking, a technique that employs an invisible image, known as a tracking pixel, embedded within the email. This pixel, measuring 0px by 0px, becomes a beacon signaling an email's opening when it retrieves data from the server. This section unpacks the mechanics behind this invisible yet insightful tool.

How Can We Identify Who Opened the Email?

One of the most pressing questions surrounding email tracking is its ability to pinpoint exactly who opened the email. Is it truly possible to identify the opener? Here, we discuss the limitations of tracking pixels in identifying specific individuals, clarifying the assumptions made when an email is opened and the inherent uncertainties involved.

How Does Tracking Work with Multiple Recipients?

Sending a single email to multiple recipients while wishing to track each open individually poses a unique challenge. Can separate tracking be achieved without compromising privacy or encountering technical hurdles? This part explores the complexities of multi-recipient tracking and our tool's approach to maintaining privacy and technical feasibility.

Can Email Tracking Exclude Self-Opens?

Is there a way to prevent your own opens from skewing the data when checking if recipients have viewed your email? Specifically, this section addresses the functionality of our Chrome extension in filtering out self-opens from the tracking data, highlighting its limitations and the situations where it may not apply, such as on mobile devices.

Why Are Some Emails Not Marked as Opened When They Are?

Ever been in a situation where you're certain an email was opened, but tracking data suggests otherwise? This discrepancy often arises from email providers blocking images by default. Here, we delve into the reasons behind untracked opens and how external factors like email provider policies impact the reliability of tracking data.

Why Are Emails Sometimes Marked as Opened When They Haven't Been?

Conversely, there are instances where emails are marked as opened without any actual engagement from the recipient. What causes these false positives, and how do automatic image loading by email providers or extensions affect tracking accuracy? This segment explores the phenomena behind erroneous open data and its implications for users.

Is It Possible to Track the Recipient's Location?

A common inquiry among users involves whether email tracking technology can pinpoint the geographic location of an email recipient. Unfortunately, this level of detail remains out of reach, primarily due to the way Google handles images sent through Gmail. Google employs a technique known as image proxying, where the tracking pixel embedded in the email is not directly retrieved from the original server. Instead, the image request is routed through Google's servers.

This process essentially anonymizes the source of the request, making it impossible to ascertain the exact location from which the email was opened. The tracking pixel, designed to relay information when the email is accessed, loses its ability to provide specific geographic data under Google's proxying method. Consequently, while our tracking tool offers insights into whether an email was opened, the recipient's location remains undisclosed, safeguarding their privacy and adhering to Google's security protocols.


While email tracking offers a window into recipient engagement, it's accompanied by a spectrum of capabilities and limitations. By understanding these nuances, users can more effectively leverage email tracking tools, making informed decisions based on the data provided. As technology and privacy standards continue to evolve, so too will the landscape of email tracking, promising new advancements and challenges alike.

Tracking des emails pour Gmail

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