5 Meilleures extensions Chrome pour les freelances

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Juliette Belfiore
13 décembre 2022


Are you starting as a freelancer?😎 Congratulations! 🙌

You have taken an essential step in your professional life. You were tired of being constrained to fixed hours, to a hierarchical chain of command. Now you want to run your business according to your skills and your own agenda.

When you start freelancing, you need to make choices. You can't do everything! Your resources are limited. This article will save you time and money.

We have selected the 5 best Chrome extensions that will support you in your professional development, and that will literally save your life. This will boost your company and allow you to focus on your core business.

No need to outsource, these extensions work for you!

🧭Save time.

💸Save money.

😱Save mistakes.

Only wins! 😂👀

1/ Hunter, the best lead finder email

What for?

Need to reach someone directly but can't find their email? Hunter will.

Hunter finds business email addresses in seconds based on web domains. It lets you connect with the people who matter to your business.

Main products

  • Email finder
  • Email verifier
  • Domain Search

Study case

Are you a freelance graphic designer looking for new clients? You do not want to do mass prospecting, on the contrary, you prefer to target around twenty customers. But perfect ones, right? Your goal is to collect emails from Marketers' Managers and pitch your book to them.

Hunter is the perfect fit for your situation.👌

Main benefit

Simplicity, efficiency. Qualified prospecting.



Chrome Store Stars


2/ Waalaxy, the best mass prospecting tool on Linkedin

What for?

As a new freelancer in the market, you need to get orders fast.

Without technical skills, and in 10mn/day, Waalaxy is the only tool capable of sending up to 500-700 Linkedin invitations per week. All without any risk to your LinkedIn account. Amazing?

A huge time saver. No need to outsource a salesperson anymore!

📜A wealth of information on Waalaxy’s blog on Linkedin prospecting as you can see in this article LinkedIn Marketing: The Easy Guide for Marketers 2022

Main products

  • LinkedIn Automated Prospecting
  • Cold Email
  • Email finder based on Linkedin

Study case

This time, you'd like to propose an all-in-one marketing service or a product to a large number of people. Thanks to Waalaxy, you can send a prospecting message via LinkedIn to all “CMO Paris” (Chief Marketing Officer) for example.

In 1 click, Waalaxy allows you to send 3K invitations to ultra-targeted people.

Main benefit

Powerful and very simple tool. Amazing support with real staff.



Chrome Store Stars


3/ TextBlaze, the best extension to save writing time

What for?

TextBlaze is a Chrome extension offering the ability to save text snippets and templates associated with hotkeys. This is an automation of repetitive text entries.

Another Time saver.

Mistakes and keystrokes saver!

Use cases

  • As a freelancer, you often have to define what you do or what you sell. TextBlaze helps you to prepare in advance all your texts concerning each of your products or services. What a relief!
  • Another use case, especially if you're working alone on a SaaS you've developed: TextBlaze is great for feature support. No need to outsource the support function.

Main benefit

Save a huge amount of time and energy on writing. Avoid mistakes. Easy-to-use templates.



Chrome Store Stars


4/ CloudApp, the best tool to communicate

What for?

CloudApp specializes in cloud-based screen and video capture apps. It combines screenshots with annotations, GIFs, and screen recording features in an easy-to-use Chrome extension.You can now speak, draw and explain without the commitment of a Visio. Communication is straight to the point. Avoid small talk. Ideal for customer support, product development, design, sales, and marketing.

Study case

As a freelancer, you have several clients in different cities, and sometimes all over the world. Also a different language and culture too. To make your message really clear and direct, CloudApp is just perfect. You can send a recorded video with a drawing of your marketing strategy or graphic proposal.

Plenty of use cases on the CloudApp blog.

Main benefit

Use visuals, design, and video to improve communication. Gain time and efficiency. Stop wasting time in meetings.



Chrome Store Stars


5/ MailTracker, the best email tracker

What for?

MailTracker is a private, secure email & PDF tracking platform for Gmail.

With MailTracker, you can now know if your email has been opened, when, and how many times! Also, you can track whether the encrypted PDF in your email has been opened and get data from it.

✨Life changing!

Main products

  • Email Tracker
  • PDF Tracker

Study case

You really want to do a collaboration with a famous brand. You managed to meet the resource person at a fair and you have his business card. You prepare a well-written email to remind your previous meeting, then you will present your company and ask for a call. This email is decisive for you. This is why MailTracker is so essential, it will let you know if the recipient has read the mail, and how many times, so you can adapt your behavior accordingly.

📜Here is an article on our blog on How to follow up on an email with no response.

Main benefit

It is an asset in your freelance life that will help you on a daily basis.



Chrome Store Stars


Thanks to these Chrome extensions, you can save time and money in communication, marketing, sales, strategy… These 5 Chrome extensions will allow you to boost your business much faster than if you had to outsource. These applications will accompany you throughout the management of your activity. They become essential to the success of your business!💥💫

Tracking des emails pour Gmail

Suivez tous les e-mails et documents que vous envoyez. Sachez exactement qui et quand vos PDF sont ouverts et ne manquez plus jamais une occasion de faire un suivi.

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